Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[Video] Asian Pop Misheard Finnish

Hi everyone!

I made, with a little help from TK, a video compilation of Asian lyrics that I've heard as Finnish. They have a theme.. Watch it below!


Monday, November 12, 2012

[AFF] More Asian Finnish songs

I found out Kara's Electric Boy is co-written by Mikko Tamminen.
The respectful guy is also a co-writer of SHINee's Ready Or Not.




Friday, November 9, 2012

[AFF] Show Luo - Dance Limit

羅志祥 Show Luo - 舞極限 Dance Limit has Finnish names Hermanni Kovalainen and Aatu Mällinen in the credits.

Do I feel proud or what? Na na na na na na na..


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[AFF] Jolin Tsai - Fantasy

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 迷幻 Fantasy is co-written by the Finnish song writer Mikko Tamminen.

Another great song, and Jolin is awesome! Don't you just love her new hair?


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weibon käytöstä

Hei Weibon käyttäjät! Lupasin rekisteröitymisohjeiden jälkeen tehdä seuraamisohjeet ja kirjoittaa listaa siitä, ketä seurata! Yhdenlainen lista löytyykin kätevästi netistä, joten käytän sitä hyväkseni. Kiitos Roosalle vinkistä! Credits of the list go to demoiselleQ @CpopAccess.com The list can be found here: http://www.cpopaccess.com/2011/10/collection-of-celebrity-weibo-accounts.html

Esimerkkinämme saa kunnian toimia Lollipop F:n Ao Quan a.k.a. Owodog. Seuraaminen on helppoa, kun olet löytänyt etsimäsi henkilön. Klikkaat vain vihreää palkkia!

Klikattuasi palkkia voit lisätä henkilön ryhmään. Tämä tehdään joka kerta, eli ryhmät eivät tule näkyviin, vaan kirjoitat sen uudestaan ja uudestaan. Ryhmä on näennäinen ja olemassa omaa käyttöäsi varten. Kohdan voi toki myös jättää täyttämättä. TOINEN ASIA, joka tässä kohtaa tulee vastaan, on seuraamisen näkevien ihmisten valitseminen. Käytännössä valitset siis, kuka näkee, että seuraat tätä henkilöä vai näkeekö kukaan. Lopuksi klikkaat taas vihreää palkkia!

Etusivullasi, johon pääset aina vasemmasta yläkulmasta, voit siirtyä seuraavalle tai edelliselle sivulle tai skipata sivuja.

Nyt päästään hauskaan osuuteen! ^^ Voit tallentaa, jakaa tai kommentoida kuvia, kun suurennat kuvan klikkaamalla sitä. 

Jakaessasi kuvan omalla Weibo-sivullasi voit kirjoittaa kuvaan kommentin ja valita, lähetätkö kommenttisi seurattavalle ja/ tai alkuperäiselle jakajalle.

Toivotan mitä ihanimpia hetkiä Weibon parissa! ^^


Monday, October 15, 2012

Weiboon rekisteröityminen

Hei! Tämä postaus on sinulle, joka olet kiinnostunut kiinalaisesta sosiaalisen median tyyssijasta nimeltä Weibo. Ohjeet Weiboon rekisteröitymiseen kuvien kera:

Aloita kirjoittamalla selaimeen http://www.weibo.com. Rekisteröitymisen aloitat klikkaamalla isoa vihreää palkkia!

Tähdellä merkityt kohdat ovat pakollisia. Oman kokemuksen mukaan gmailia on turha yrittää asettaa sähköpostikseen. Hotmail toimii.

Kaikki pakolliset kohdat täytettyäsi klikkaa vihreää palkkia!

Weibo ilmoittaa lähettäneensä linkin sähköpostiisi. Käyhän siis etsimässä se posti!

Tällainen on se posti ja linkki, jota sinun tulee klikata!

Tässä kohtaa en usko, että on tärkeää tehdä juuri mitään muuta kuin klikata alhaalta löytyvää vihreää palkkia kunnes olet omalla sivullasi. Muutama vaihe mahdollistaa esimerkiksi kavereiden etsimisen, mutta voit tehdä sen myöhemmin!

Suurin piirtein tältä näyttää oma sivusi. Unohdin lisätä kuvaan tämän tiedon, mutta KIRJAUDUT ULOS klikkaamalla nimeäsi ja valitsemalla viimeisen ilmestyneistä vaihtoehdoista!

Ja seuraavan kerran voit kirjautua sisään kirjoittamalla sähköpostisi ja salasanasi ja klikkaamalla vihreää palkkia!

Laitan myöhemmin ohjeita julkkisten seuraamiseen sekä listaa julkkiksta, joita seurata!
Hauskoja hetkiä Weibon parissa!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Asia is where you find everything cute and delicious

Some things are just so different in Asia if you compare to Europe..

You don't eat pancake with jam but with kaya! And of course, you enjoy the snack with some English tea from Chinese cups if you don't have Chinese tea.

You can buy bubble tea in every corner, and it's cheap.

You can find ice cream, chips.. lots of products with a handsome idol's face on it.^^

When something is under construction, they actually have a picture of a worker bowing and holding a sign saying "Please excuse us for the temporary inconvenience". How nice!

Almost everything is a bit cuter in Asia! Popular cute characters can be found everywhere.

Monks at the airport!

Those are some of the things that I find interesting when travelling in Asia. I wish I had more patience to plan more interesting posts, but I hope you can get something out  of this! Please ask any questions if you have.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

[AFF] The Japanese Wears Helsinki

This time I made an Asian Finnish Find on a Japanese drama.
It's on 花ざかりの君たちへ Hanazakari no Kimitachi e alias Hana Kimi.

Horikita Maki as Ashiya is wearing a t-shirt that says "Helsinki". It's Finland's capital city!

I heard somebody saw quite a few Helsinki shirts on Japanese actors. Should we thank our loyal Japanese tourists? Most definitely! ありがとうございます。Arigatou gozaimasu!

Friday, July 27, 2012

[AFF] There that Daoming Si goes again!

Hello friends! We made an Asian Finnish Find on a Taiwanese drama.
It's in the classic 流星花園 Meteor Garden.
Personally, my eyes popped out when I saw the Finnish words on the truck shown. After the shock I felt quite amused as I really linked the words with the content.

"Ja taas mennään" can be translated "and here we go again", and in the scene, Daoming Si happens to beat the sh*t out of some guys who tried to rob him. You know his temperament.
Actually I should've realized the Asian Finnish Find earlier when I read the word on the other side of the truck. "Koff" is a Finnish beer company.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Taking off

Hi! I know we have been passive with this blog. More like I've been passive. I need readers and comments to keep posting. TK says I'm too dependant on you, but I say I'm not publishing things on the Internet for myself. It's for sharing with everyone. Anyway, I know you need interesting posts to keep reading and commenting, and I hope we can offer you that! Please have a good time with us.^^

The thing is, we'll have more interesting stories to post now that I'll be travelling to Asia to stay with TK. We'll be travelling in Singapore, Malaysia and Chengdu in China. So exciting! I've been to Singapore once before to meet him. Malaysia and China will be completely new experiences for me.

I went to the bank yesterday to get my Singapore dollars. Of course this is just a part of it. My parents taught me not to show off my money, haha. Having packed and having the correct currency in my wallet I really feel the reality of taking off soon. My flight is already the day after tomorrow!

My flight day is Friday 13th, the day that in my culture is known as the day of bad luck. But, I'm not worried. TK said to me "It's not a bad luck day in Singapore, so fly safe here."


Monday, July 2, 2012

[AFF] Han Geng - Clown Mask

韩庚 Han Geng - 小丑面具 Clown Mask is a work of art by Finnish music producer Hermanni Kovalainen among other music makers.

It's definitely a remarkable song!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Festive Season

What do you like most in festive season? How do you feel in festive season, along the way, year after year from childhood to adulthood? Feelings may be different year after year but the joyful memories remain.

For people whose ethnicity is Chinese, regardless of where they are and what their nationality is, Chinese New Year is the most important celebration in the whole year. In this year of Dragon, 2012, we celebrate it from 23rd Jan for 15 days.

Many Malaysian Chinese (ethnic Chinese born in Malaysia) go out from the country for their tertiary education or work but most of them make the effort to go back to Malaysia for reunion with their family to celebrate this joyous occasion. Malaysia is a country with about 30% Chinese ethnic composition and it retains the Chinese tradition very well although in a modern society. I even heard some Chinese from China said that Malaysia retains the tradition better than the mainland China itself. As usual, I went back home from Singapore to celebrate it with my family.

The Chinese tradition I talked about include listening to new year songs, visiting relatives, saying wishes, giving red envelopes to children and unmarried adults, cleaning home, decorating home and have reunion dinner on the eve, gambling, making food together and eating together.

Visiting temple is not a necessary part of the celebration but some people do visit. To me it is something special to me in the celebration this year. With family, I went to a large temple called Dong Zen Temple.

Bird-eye’s view of the Dong Zen Temple.

Shrine in the Main Hall.

This is the first time I went to the temple and I was amazed by the size and richness of it, in a country where Chinese is not the majority. The bird-eye’s view and the shrine above are much less than what I saw that night because more decorative lightings were on at the outdoor.  Let’s look at some of the photos and videos I took:

Long dragon lighting on the grass, at the entrance of the temple that looks like a bridge.

Another dragon lighting, with real flowers. Does it look a bit like a crocodile? xD This is art!

Center for meditation/training. A dragon boat is in front of it.

The dragon boat lighting from another angle.

Large cartoony light statues, their hands are actually waving!

A mandarin plant just outside the Main Hall.

Dragon statue around the walkway (head).

They really built it AROUND the walkway (body).

Dragon statue around the walkway (tail), with a thousand-hand Buddha behind.

Dragon around a large lantern.

Orchid by the walkway.

Lanterns of fish couple and…(see next photo)

Lanterns of dragon boat and lotus flower, near the lake of Koi fishes.

The Koi fishes with music of a song of Chinese New Year.  The music was broadcasted around the entire outdoor of the temple, it felt very festive while walking there!

Walking on there with more music! The music is non-stop and loud but comfortable enough for talking. This video shows a bit of what I saw and heard while walking.

The exit. Written on the arch “turning back is shore”. It has the implied meaning that, whatever your past is and no matter how bad your present is, if you’re willing to go back to the good thing (either behavior and/or state of mind), everything will still be stable and wonderful. To me, putting these words at the exit also has the meaning like “hey don’t go yet, have you missed out something? Are you ready to venture outside?” in a humorous but serious way.

And that’s all I wish to share about Chinese New Year for this post. I’ll talk more about each of the tradition and what they constitute, what happen exactly and what exactly we do with these traditions. They form an indispensible part of how the Chinese society works.

Besides, I had a wonderful Christmas in Finland with Minna. It was my first time in a place with wintery climate on Christmas so it feels like I had just lived my real Christmas then. I want to live real Christmases in a wintery country more and more!

Of course, Minna will be the better person to start talking about Christmas. I’d love to read what Christmas mean to her and to a Finn. Let’s look forward to her post about Christmases. I believe everyone shares some same feelings about festive season, whatever your festivity is. There is joy, there is togetherness, unavoidably, there is also a bit of missing someone sometimes, and reflection to the past. And maybe everyone eats more than usual and gets fat too, in festive season, I did! I’m so fat now! It’s time to shape up and I better get going! (:

Wish all your festive seasons be merry!
